Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Commies Take Over Little League

I love irritating the Chinese, I really do. Their crappy products that kill and their nationalism is something to laugh at. If you ever want to get their goat start talking about how free Taiwan is and that Tibet's occupation is illegal blah, blah...they get all kinds of pissed. Its cute and funny.

What bothers me is that in the United States of America, companies are easily affected by the Commies. This years Baseball World Classic featured a team from China and Taiwan. You did not know that. You saw a team from a make believe place called "Chinese Taipei". It seams the whiny Communist child killers did not like the idea of Taiwan playing in the same sport that the Chinese invented (really, the Chinese say they invented the sport of baseball) so they made everyone call the team from Taiwan "Chinese Taipei" and American broadcasters bought it. The odd thing is that the Taiwanese players in MLB are not from Chinese Taipei. They are from Taiwan. Fucking confusing assholes.

Now, the Little League World Series is upon us and we get a full on display of the Chinese bullshit and American stupidity. It use to be journalists had integrity, not any more. The "stupid jock" syndrome in full force. Again, the Chinese -the same people who were killing our dogs and cats- demanded that the team from Taiwan be called Chinese Taipei and ESPN/ABC who is broadcasting the event is toeing the Maoist line and happily. And here is the stupid part. The team from Taiwan (FO China and ESPN) is actually from Taoyuan not Taipei. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. So ESPN gets it wrong on both angles. Didnt journos use to actually look into stories they were covering?

By the way, Sports Illustrated calls the team correctly. In their matchup card for today it is Taoyuan, Taiwan v Reynosa, Mexico. I love SI!

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